Marriage Counseling

Why take time to go for Marriage Counseling? Marriage counseling can help revive a marriage that is facing challenges. 

Now Accepting New Clients

Ocean Life Christain Counseling is now accepting new clients. 

Pre-Marital Counseling

Prior to the wedding we believe that it is a time for the couple to take steps that prepare themselves for uniting as a couple before God and family members for a lifetime together. 

Individual Counseling

At OceanLife Christian Counseling, we provide individuals with faith based counseling in a warm and inviting environment that will give you peace and comfort.

Military Counseling

Military families are another area that is close to Dr. Donna’s own heart. We give military families a $10 discount for each counseling session.

Marriage Counseling Sessions

Now is an excellent time to engage in relationship bonding activities, pursue your interests together and rekindle that wonderful spark in your marriage.

Learn about our counseling session pricing >>

Our Office Address:

9932 Fairway Villas Ln
Pensacola, Florida

Note: We are no longer at the Summit Blvd address!

New Book Release

Dr. Marshall is promoting her new book: “Premarital Advice Before You Say, “I Do”.

The book is a great resource for all couples but especially for couples who want to do a Premarital Course at their own pace and from the comforts of their own home. The book can be purchased on Amazon. It’s a great tool for couples and a great gift for all couples. The book offers foundational information regarding communication, conflict resolution and intimacy, to name a few. View this book on Amazon >>

View ALL Dr Marshall’s books on Amazon >>

Welcome to OceanLife Christian Counseling

In today’s world we are all faced with different challenges that life puts in our path. Sometimes we struggle with areas of life that we never had a problem with before. Other times we feel overwhelmed with life in general. During these challenges, speaking to a counselor can help you overcome the burden in a supportive way. Stepping outside of home and speaking with a professional can often help you to move through specific situations more easily than trying to overcome it alone.

Faith Based Counseling

We use Bible based principles and scriptures while using the Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling approach. The Hope focused technique is one that still utilizes a hope-focused approach and not a problem focused approach. It enables couples to grasp a more positive approach to healing their marriage by utilizing the hope of a brighter future.

When should you seek marriage counseling?

  • If you feel little to no love from or for your spouse.
  • If you have had trouble with communication, intimacy or conflict resolution.
  • If someone was unfaithful.
  • If there is little or no trust between you and your spouse.
  • If either of you have threatened divorce.
  • If things are so bad that you are living two completely different lives, without sharing positive experiences together.
  • If there is emotional distance between you which is causing intimacy issues.

Dr. Donna can help you overcome these challenges. As you move ahead in your life we will help you by offering words of encouragement through the Lords word, prayer, and by listening and guiding you. Whether it is a relationship issue, a divorce, a loss of a family member, or a job, or just a major change like a move, or a new job, or being away from family members, any of these situations can make us feel overwhelmed and stuck.

Our mission here at OceanLife Christian Counseling is to help you work through the issues and the difficulties that are holding you back or making every day life feel overwhelming . We offer a wonderful relaxing atmosphere to help you open up and we are here to stand with you and walk you through this difficult time. Our approach to counseling is utilizing Biblical Principles. We are here to support you during this difficult time.

Now Offer Virtual Sessions & Conference Calls

Dr. Donna now offers online counseling sessions. We can meet with you via Skype or Zoom, depending on which you prefer.

If you wish to do an online counseling session, please send Dr. Donna a message and schedule your next appointment.

Of course, we still offer sessions in person, as always.

Please Note: I am the only Dr. Donna for Oceanlife Christian Counseling and I do not have any other counselors working with me or for me. If you call 850-485-4899 I am the only person you will be making an appointment with.

A Sign Of The Times

Matthew 24 – King James Version

1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.


“I sought Christian counseling to help me get my life back. I’m a Christian, but struggle with my walk with God. I found Dr. Donna on the internet. Something drew me to her. I’ve never gone to a christian counselor and didn’t know what to expect. She has a sweet demeanor and huge smile. I knew I was in a safe place where I felt I could knock some of the bricks off my wall. More bricks have fallen since we first met. She has a way of giving you perspective about life and always making God the center of it. We’ve laughed and I’ve cried at times as healing has happened. She is a powerful presence and prayer warrior. I know she has the best in mind for me. Dr. Donna tries different things instead of doing the same thing over and over. We talk, do devotionals and read the bible together. She never lets me leave without a final prayer and a huge hug. She is the real deal and truly cares about the welfare of her clients. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking restoration in their Christian walk, no matter where you are in your life. She can surely help you on your journey. Be open minded and know that she creates an atmosphere of trust and love where change can take place.”


“Ocean Life Christian Counseling is such a blessing. My husband and I have been going to see Dr. Donna for several months. We were already legally separated and waiting for final judgment on divorce. We both felt very unsure of our decision. We have been in counseling before, but we know without a shadow of a doubt that God led us to Ocean Life Counseling with Dr. Donna. I would many times over tell anyone, if you want to have Godly Christian counseling, you must get in touch with Dr. Norrali, she is and has been such a blessing to us. Thank God we found her because we are happier than we have ever been. Praise God no divorce in this household!”

Rodney and Lesley