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The relationship between husbands and wives is a sacred one. One that needs nurturing to survive and thrive during these difficult times. One way to be sure that the marriage is thriving is for the Lord to be placed at the center of the marriage. Often times the marriage relationship is placed second to raising children and work.

Placing children and work ahead of God and your spouse is not appropriate.

The structure of a Christian family should be as follows: Think of a triangle in your mind. At the peak is God.

God should be our focus point in the Christian marriage.

The last 2 points of the triangle should be the husband and the wife. Lastly, as the picture continues to develop it resembles that of a Christmas tree. With the stem or trunk of the tree being where the children are.

The idea of being balanced comes from placing God at the center of our marriage.

In doing so husband and wives will reap a balanced unity thru prayer and worship and it will continue to flow to the children. If you are living according to a Christian life this is how to have balance in your marriage. Balance consists of making sure everyone in the family is flourishing.