Making The Most Of Family Time During Covid19

Hello and thank you for joining me. It has been brought to my attention that during this difficult time (Covid 19) where most couples and families are having to spend alot more time together under the same roof, that some helpful suggestions may help make it a more...
Trust, Transparency and Ensuring You’re Prepared For Marriage

Trust, Transparency and Ensuring You’re Prepared For Marriage

Hello and thanks for joining me again! In today’s article I discuss the importance of trust when choosing to marry. I don’t think it’s necessary to express how detrimental trust is to your marriage relationship. Trust is obviously vital, as anyone that’s...
Rebuilding Love & Avoiding Emotional Connections With Others

Rebuilding Love & Avoiding Emotional Connections With Others

When I refer to emotional connection in this article, I’m discussing the personal connection that’s established with someone of the opposite sex outside of the marriage. During challenging times in your marriage, you may feel the desire to connect with...
Premarital Counseling And It’s Important Benefits

Premarital Counseling And It’s Important Benefits

Hello and thank you for joining me. So today I want to talk about Premarital Counseling. I know that many of you read the OceanLife blog for relationship advice, so Premaritcal Counseling is something that will benefit you in the long-run, whether it is because you...