One of the surest ways to keep your marriage intact is to make it a priority. Putting your marriage at the top of your priority list also shows that you value your marriage.

You are each others “go to” person and that is one of the most important things that we do as husbands and wives. Being your spouses “go to” person ensures a strong connection, ongoing communication, willingness to share and be vulnerable, and of course love and intimacy.

Prioritize Your Marriage With Protective Boundaries

Creating boundaries is one way to safeguard your marriage from the things that could come in between you and your spouse. I encourage couples to discuss boundaries, understand what they mean for a couple, and use boundaries as a tool that benefits both husband and wife.

The goal of establishing boundaries is to instill protections that fortify your marriage and protect it from negative external influences and potential threats. Anything that can weaken or cause harm to your marriage is a potential threat.

I recommend a book called “Boundaries in Marriage” by Cloud and Townsend. The book outlines why certain boundaries in marriage are necessary for helping your marriage to flourish. Having boundaries is not to restrict your lives but to “safeguard” your marriage and enhance your future together. It also allows you to be who you are as individuals making it clear that individual boundaries in a marriage is also paramount in the relationship.

When we are at our happiest in a marriage we flourish as a couple. I ask all couples to be mindful and intentional with their words and their actions. Boundaries create a safe place for your marriage, it also provides a better understanding of what the future of your marriage will look like once you are ready to move forward.

I hope this blog has blessed you. God bless you.