Hello and thank you for joining me on my blog. This subject is one that reminds us how important communication in a relationship is of the utmost importance. Without good communication, we would never understand each other.  

Three communication tips I would like to discuss include the following:

1)   The importance of listening
2)   The delivery of your message
3)   The positive outcome of being aware of your tone and your volume.

Starting with listening. Giving each other your undivided attention during a discussion is extremely important. Putting away devices that could be a distraction is a must. The discussion should be in a room where there is little to no distractions.  If you keep these suggestions in mind your communication will improve by showing each other you value them as a person and want to hear what they have to say. 

The delivery of the message is important because it is all in the way you say it.  I recommend doing things in a loving and caring manner.  Speak to someone the way you would want someone to speak to you.  If you come off overbearing or to strong you run the risk of offending someone.  I recommend being safe now and not sorry after by being mindful and intentional with your words.

Finally, tone and volume really do make a difference. Expressing yourself with a tone and being loud can stop a conversation before it even begins. You want someone to feel welcome to join a conversation not stop them in their tracks cause they can’t get passed how loud and abrasive you were.  Think about what you want to say before blurting something out.

Using these communication tips will surely help you to improve your communication with others. 

Once again thank you for joining me on my blog.

Join me again when we discuss another topic that is helpful to you in your relationships.