Thanks for dropping by and joining me Dr. Donna also known as Dr. Donna Marshall.

Today’s topic is on being able to say “I love you” in the mist of trouble and staying in the moment. During times of great distress it can be very difficult to say loving words, especially when our emotions make us feel frustration and anger.

Saying kind words doesn’t come easy during these difficult times. However, if we were to stop and think about what we are feeling at that time, we would realize that the situation may be getting the best of us. If our anger is a weight that oppresses our ability to speak loving words to a loved one at any particular time, it might be time to look at what God’s word says about love.

Consider reading 1 Corinthians 13: 4-5

I believe that we have the ability to change how we approach every subject matters and if it is something we don’t like or wish we handled differently then it is up to us to make changes for the betterment of our relationship with our spouse.

I believe we evolve in our marriages when we are working on being the best we can be. Part of being the best is staying present during any situation, refusing to go on auto pilot, which hinders our relationship because we are initially grow when we contribute to the relationship whether it be in conversation or in the loving acts we display during times together. I encourage you to STAY present in your marriage always. What does that mean? It means that you’re mindful about your interaction with your loved ones and your intentional with no signs of auto pilot robbing you of having a relationship with your spouse or your family.