Thanks for joining me and reading my blog. Today’s blog is about “Staying under God’s umbrella”. What do I mean when I say that? I mean to stay connected with God all day and every day.

Our Heavenly father wants nothing more than to hear from us concerning all matters in our lives. But sometimes the only time he hears from us is when we have problems. Certainly going to God when are we are experiencing problems and are struggling is a perfect time to call upon Him, but that should not be the only time.

God wants us to share our lives with him thru good times and in the difficult times. It’s up to us to incorporate our Heavenly Father in everything we do. Sometimes it takes some readjusting in our lives so we can implement God going forward. I always say that practice makes perfect.

Readjusting your life and fitting God in to your every day is a smart thing to do. We all need Him. If you take the time and fit the Lord into your life you will be see what a difference it makes. As time goes on and you stick to your new schedule it will soon get to be second nature. Stay consistent.

In this day and age, in which we live, having God in our lives is so important and essential to all Christians. I highly recommend praying daily, before you start your day and at the end of the day. Husband and wives pray for your family and your marriage. Stay under God’s umbrella.

God bless you!